Reader's Response

Readers are saying it is easy to make the prayers their own prayers in both "Praying Through First John" and "Praying With Peter."

"What a special gift Mary Jane Fischer has for leading the reader in a closer walk with our Lord! It is quite obvious that her prayers are straight from the heart. They are simply beautiful! Inspiring!"

--Louise Acree, Wabash Valley College, Mt. Carmel, IL

"These prayers are refreshingly transparent. Fischer's honesty about overcoming weaknesses and sin gives readers a voice that they may have been unable to find. It makes the prayers about them and not about her."

--Karen Jones, Oakland City University, Oakland City, IN

"The author's vulnerability helped me to take my relationship with God to a deeper level. As I read these prayers, intimacy with the Lord becomes contagious. I found myself opening my life in a deeper way."

--Brian Anderson, chemical engineer, Baton Rouge, LA

"This is a beautiful dialogue between two hearts-human and divine. As God's Word speaks to us-we can enter into a response with His Word, shaping our hearts more like His!"

--Jeanne Kendall, Vice-President of Ministry, Aglow Intl.

Peaceful, challenging, authentic' describes these conversations with God. They offer believers an opportunity to evaluate their journey with Jesus in a manner that will bring depth, peace, and maturity.

--David Villemarette, Pastor, Freedom Church, St. Amant, LA

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